Would you like a quick answer to your question?

Be sure to first view our frequently asked questions (FAQ) by clicking on the button below. 95% of customers are helped immediately.

Didn't find what you were looking for? No problem, contact us via the options below.


Our accessibility

24/7 By Email

The most extensive option . We respond to emails within 12 hours on working days. Within 24 hours on weekends and public holidays.

7/7 Chat

The fastest option for small questions. You will receive answers to your questions via chat 7/7. And this every day of the year, including weekends and public holidays.

Call us

Would you rather call our customer service directly? That is of course also possible. We can quickly help you by telephone with all administrative questions.

Ik heb een probleem met de installatie of activatie van aangekochte software.

Voor technische support kan je ons enkel contacteren per mail. Zo heeft de juiste persoon meteen jouw bericht.

Indien mogelijk vragen we om eventuele foutmeldingen mee te sturen als foto. Dit versneld het proces.

We beantwoorden uw mail op werkdagen binnen 12h en in het weekend/feestdagen binnen de 24h.

Stuur je technische vragen naar support@tusto.be

Ik heb een vraag over mijn reeds geplaatste bestelling.

U kan ons hiervoor contacteren per mail, chat of telefoon.

Onze klantendienstmedewerkers staan klaar om uw vraag te beantwoorden.

Ik heb een vraag over een product.

U kan ons hiervoor contacteren per mail, chat of telefoon.

Onze klantendienstmedewerkers staan klaar om uw vraag te beantwoorden.


Send us an email 24/7 📧

Do you have a question or comment? Shoot!
We will answer your email within 12 hours on working days (within 24 hours on weekends).


7/7 Chat 💬

We are available via chat every day of the year (including weekends and holidays).
And this from 1:00 PM to 10:00 PM .

Click on the blue "Chat" button at the bottom right of your screen to start your chat.


Would you rather call quickly?

📞 Tel: +32 34 34 20 21

(Only for sales or administrative questions, technical support is only available by email or chat).

We can be reached by telephone:

From Monday to Friday from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

At all other times we are best reached by email or chat!
We try to answer every email within 12 noon.